Over two decades after the events of Gladiator (2000), Lucius—the grandson of Rome's former emperor Marcus Aurelius and son of Lucilla—lives with his wife and child in Numidia. Roman soldiers led by general Marcus Acacius invade, forcing Lucius into slavery. Inspired by the story of Maximus, as depicted in the original 2000 film, Lucius resolves to fight as a gladiator while opposing the rule of the young emperors Caracalla and Geta.
Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)
Superman and Lois (Season 2) (2022)
Kuro no Shoukanshi (2022)
Lake Placid (1999)
Bait (2012)
Ready (2011)
Sát Thủ Báo Thù (2014)
Sword of the Assassin (2012)
Fear The Walking Dead (Season 4) (2017)
Fight Proleague (2018)
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Sniper: vengeance (2023)
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The Invincible (2023)
Quanzhi Fashi (Season 4) (2020)
A Tale of Love and Loyalty (2024)
Tales of Qin Mu (2024)
Moonlight Mystique (2024)
Lovely Runner (2024)